Strategies to Keep Your Carpet Flooring Looking Like New

In the right space, carpet flooring is going to be the best option. Not only does it offer comfort and a soft feel beneath your feet, but there are just so many styles out there that can fit your specific aesthetic. However, like any kind of flooring, there are some maintenance considerations to keep in […]

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Use Versatile Vinyl Tile Flooring to Recreate These Looks

There are some hot flooring trends for 2023. With so many people spending most of 2023 in their homes, they’ve discovered some updates they’d like to focus on and change. One of these changes is their floors. And now, trends are coming out of these renovations that seem to be on par with the expected […]

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Tips on Planning Your Commercial Flooring Budget

When adding new floors or refurbishing a commercial space, you need to be precise with your commercial flooring budget. Any company needs careful planning to allocate enough funds to complete a successful commercial flooring installation. Between your desired materials and the cost of labor, you may find yourself facing some unexpected figures later on in […]

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3 Best Tips for Protecting Hardwood Floors in Your Kitchen

In today’s day in age, many people hardly contemplate whether or not to install hardwood floors in their kitchens anymore. Modern manufacturing and installation techniques make it very common to see wood flooring in our home’s kitchen. In fact, all homeowners really need to do is choose a style of solid or engineered hardwood to […]

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Tile Flooring Ideas For The Bathrooms

Tile flooring in our bathrooms will always be a staple in home flooring options. There is plenty of room for creativity and personalization when selecting tile flooring. Plus, it’s almost always the most practical choice considering how wet the bathroom gets and the need for regular cleaning. But, if we’re solely considering your bathroom floors’ […]

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What’s Going On in Commercial Flooring Installation Trends?

Commercial flooring installation varies from building to building, but certain trends have emerged in the trade. A lot of what has been made popular in the world of commercial flooring installation and design comes down to what seems to be the most practical choice for a business. Further, these aspects of practicality can be based […]

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Home Flooring Tips to Make Each Room Look More Spacious

Armed with all the design tips in the world, it can nonetheless feel like an impossible task to make a small room feel big enough. No matter where you put your furniture, what color you paint the wall, or how many mirrors you add to the space, a room may still feel too small for […]

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Is Laminate Flooring A Good Choice in 2023?

Laminate flooring is a really popular choice in many homes because of its ease of use and maintenance. Many homeowners especially want it for rooms like the kitchen or the bath, and they go looking for “waterproof laminate flooring.” Unfortunately, there is not truly any such thing as waterproof laminate flooring. That doesn’t make it […]

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Top Reasons To Use Commercial Carpet Tiles

When it comes time to choose commercial flooring for your business or organization, there are plenty of compelling reasons to consider commercial carpet tiles. Carpet tiles remain a hugely popular choice as floor covering in commercial settings today. If you know how to pick high-quality commercial carpet tiles for your project, you’re looking at a […]

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Hardwood Flooring: Cleaning and Upkeep for Longevity

Many homeowners would agree that hardwood flooring is a cornerstone in home decor, style, and function. Due to the beautiful yet finicky nature of hardwood flooring, proper care and maintenance are of the utmost importance. This regimen will keep your hardwood flooring, and therefore, your home’s appearance lasting as long as possible. Cleaning, maintaining, and […]

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